April Dawn

​White with a few deep pink streaks.  Formal double, mid to late season.  Upright, vigorous growth.  1993- North Carolina.

Sea Foam

White, medium to large formal double.  Upright growth.  Late season.  1959- Fernandina, Florida 


Jean May

Shell pink, medium, rose form double.  1951- Fernandina, Florida

1  gallon

Stephanie Golden

Hot pink, medium semi-double.  1998- Semmes, Alabama

1, 3 & 10  gallon

Koromo Shikibu

'Spider Azalea,' magenta blooms on an evergreen shrub.  Blooms late spring/ early summer.

3 & 7 gallon

Greesboro Red

​Light red, medium, semi-double.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Late season.  1960- Greensboro, North Carolina


Red Luster

Watermelon red flowers, evergreen shrub with variegated leaves. 

3 gallon

Gulf Glory

White, medium to single form.  1948- Mobile, Alabama

3  gallon


​Red, large semi-double with coarse textured petals twisted at the end.  Average, upright growth.  Mid season.  1964- Savannah, Georgia


Judge Solomon

Evergreen, produces a mass of single pink blooms all spring.

1, 3, 7, &10 gallon

William Forest Bray

Dark red with darker veins and purple border.  Large, formal double.  Vigorous, compact growth.  Mid to late season.  1968- Pensacola, Florida


Bart Colbert Variegated

​Deep pink variegated white variegation of Bart Colbert.  Large semi-double.  Average upright growth.  Mid season.  1979- Savannah, Georgia


Tick Tock

White striped and flecked cherry red, large, full peony.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Early to mid season.  1955- Thomasville, Georgia


Native Azalea- Pink Carousel

Scarlet buds open topale pink flowers, strong golden blotch.

3 gallon


Large, single white with pink edges.  Cold hardy.  Vigorous growth.  1988- North Carolina

1  gallon

Lady Clare

​Deep pink, large semi-double.  Vigorous, bushy growth.  Early to mid season.  1859- Japan



​Canary yellow, small to medium formal double.  Slow to open, upright growth.  Mid Season.  1986- Macon, Georgia


Victory White 

Pure white, medium sized, semi-double to peony form.  Vigorous, upright growth.  1939- Mobile, Alabama


Native Azalea- Lemonade

Large lemon yellow flowers, deep yellow blotch.

3 gallon

Emily Wilson

​Light pink, medium semi-double to loose peony.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Mid season.  1953- Batesburg, South Carolina


Sarah Frost

Crimson varying to deep rose pink, medium formal double.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Mid to late season.  1841- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 



aka- Snow on the Mountain, Snow & Dove.  White, small semi-double to loose peony. 1898- Japan

1, 3 & 7  gallon

Red Leaf Tea

​Small pink, single fragrant flowers that bloom August- November.  Medium, upright growth.

1  gallon

High Fragrance

​Pale ivory pink with deeper pink shading at the edge.  Medium peony form.  Vigorous, open growth.  Fragrant.  Mid season.  1986- Whangarei, New Zealand



Shi Shi Gashira

Pinkish, red rose, small semi-double.  Early season.  1894- Ikeda City, Japan

1, 3, 7, 10 & 15  gallon


Blushed white, edged in coral, but an unstable variegation that can throw solid red flowers.  Large, semi-double.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Mid season.  1965- Hammond, Louisiana


Leslie Ann

White edged with redish lavender.  Small, semi-double with irregular petals to peony.  1958- Unites States

1, 3, 7 & 15  gallon

Pink Snow 

Light pink with lavender trace.  Small semi-double.  1951- Beaumont, Texas

1, 3, 7 & 10  gallon

Amelia Rose

Lavender, rose form double blooms.

1 gallon

Formosa- Purple

Rich lavender pink flowers with darker accent blotch are large and showy.  Blooms early to mid season on tall, upright plants.  Sun tolerant and very hardy.

1, 3 & 7 gallon

Fragrant Pink

​Deep pink, miniature peony form.  Average, spreading growth.  Fragrant.  Early to late season.  1970- Greendale, Maryland


Sparkling Burgundy

Ruby rose overlaid with sheen of lavender, small to medium peony with intermingles of stamens and petaloids. 1957- Abita Springs, Louisiana

1 & 15 gallon

Tama Bambino

Rose pink, boardered white, miniature peony with narrow, pointed petals.  Early to mid season.  1993- Altadena, California 


Rev. Ida

Red to pink, small semi-double.  Early season.  Dense, low spreading growth.

3 & 7  gallon

Jeans Unsurpassable

Pale pink with flecks of deeper pink, large semi-double to anemone form.  Mid to late season.  Compact, vigorous growth.  1970- Birmingham, Alabama​


Winters Snowman

White, small semi-double to anemone form.  Average, upright growth.  Cold hardy.  1997- Ashton, Maryland

1, 7 & 15 gallon

Bob Hope

Black red, large semi-double with irregular petals.  Slow, compact growth.  Mid season.  1979- Altadena, California


Carter's Sunburst

​Pale pink with darker pink marks.  Large to very large, semi-double peony to formal double.  Average, spreading growth.  Early to late season.  1959- Montery Park, California



​Light pink, medium to full peony.  Upright, vigorous growth.  Early to mid season.  Early 1900's- Charleston, South Carolina


Colonial Dame

White, occasionally blushed pink.  Large, semi-double peony form to formal double.  Open, slender, upright growth.  Mid season.  1948- Thomasville, Georgia​


Eleanor Hagood

​Pale pink, medium form to double.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Late season.  1941- Charleston, South Carolina


Gay Time

​White washed and shaded orchid pink.  Medium, semi-double to formal double.  Average, upright growth.  Mid season.  1973- Altadena, California


Jury's Yellow

​White with cream yellow petaloids, medium anemone form.  Average, compact, upright growth.  Early to late season.  1976- New Plymouth, New Zealand


Winters Darling

Deep cerise pink with yellow anthers and white filament, miniature anemone form.

1  gallon

Cotton Candy

Clear pink, medium semi-double with ruffled petals.  1955- United States

1, 3 & 15 gallon

Camellia Sasanqua, Vernalis, Hiemalis & Fall Blooming Hybrids


Cardinal red molted white, medium sized peony.  Very early season.  Slow tall growth.  1788- Kanto, Japan​


Marie Bracey

​Coral rose, large, semi-double to loose peony form with slightly curved and a few upright petals.  Average compact, upright growth.  Early to mid season.  1953- Valdosta, Georgia


Royal Velvet

Dark velvet red, large semi-double.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Mid season.  1987- Altadena, California


Winters Joy

Bright pink, semi-double bloom.  Upright growth with leathery dark green leaves.

3  gallon

Grace Albritton

​Light pink deeper at edge to white with pink center and border.  Miniature to small formal double.  Average, upright growth.  Mid season.  1972- Tallahasse, Florida


Small Leaf Tea

Small white, single fragrant flowers that bloom August- November.  Medium, upright growth.

1 & 3  gallon

Finlandia Variegated

​Variegated variation of Finlandia, white streaked crimson.  Medium, semi-double with swirled and fluted petals.  Average, compact growth.  Early to mid season.  1943- Japan



Red with yellow stamens center.  Small single form.  1963- Altadena, California

1, 3, 7 & 15 gallon


Light orchid pink to deeper pink at edge, large to very large loose peony form to anemone.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Mid season.  1962- LaCanade, California


Jessie Burgess

​Rose with silver cast, large semi-double.  Average, upright growth.  Early season.  1960- Savannah, Georgia


Tri Color Superba

Variable colors from nearly white to solid red but majority white striped red or light pink margined white.  Large semi-double.  1943- Mobile, Alabama


Black Magic

​Very dark glossy red, medium semi-double to rose form double.  Average, spreading, upright growth.  Mid to late season.  Unusual holly-like foilage.  1992- Altadena, California


Prince of Orange

Deep red, large, loose to full peony to anemone form.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Mid Season.  1950- Gulfport, Mississippi


Beatrix Hoyt

Light rose pink, large semi-double. 1955- Thomasville, Georgia


Egao Shibori

Deep rose, blotched white.  Medium to large form.  1974- Kurume, Japan

3  gallon


White with gold anthers and light yellow filaments, large to very large semi-double.​


Lady Clare Variegated

​Deep pink marbled white, large, semi-double.  Vigorous, bushy growth.  Early to mid season.  1935


 Alba Plena

​White, medium formal double.  Slow bushy growth.  Early Season.  1792- China, came to the USA in 1800


Stephen's Garden

Pink shading to darker pink, small formal double.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Mid to late season.  1965- Fairhope, Alabama


Edna Campbell Variegated

​Deep red spotted and splashed white, semi-double to peony bloom. Red new growth with compact, upright habit. Early to mid season. 


Brushfield's Yellow

​Antique white guard petals surround double center of lightly ruffled pale primrose yellow petaloids.  Medium, anemone form.  Vigorous, compact, columnar growth.  Mid to late season.  1970- Austrailia 


Rebel's Yell

White striped and red, large semi-double to peony form with twisted, curled and crepe petals.  Average, upright growth.  Mid season.  1961- Macon, Georgia 


Snow Flurry

White, anemone form, spreading dense slow to medium growth.  Extremely cold hardy (to -12*).

1  gallon

Moonlight Bay

​Light orchid pink, very large, semi-double.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Early to late season.  1982- Altadena, California


President Claeys

Orange-red single flower, upright growth.

3, 7 & 10 gallon

Mrs. G. G. Gerbing

Single, pure white flower, early bloomer.

1, 3 & 10 gallon

Rose Dawn

Deep rose pink, medium formal double to rose form double.  Vigorous, spreading growth.  Mid season.  1944- Sefner, Florida


Paulette Goodard

Dark red, medium semi-double to loose peony form to anemone form.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Mid to late season.  1944- Charleston, South Carolina


V. E. Howell

Red, large semi-double to full peony form.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Early to late season.  1997- Lucedale, Mississippi 


Dr. Tinsley

​Pale pink at base growing to a deeper pink on edge of petals.  Medium, semi-double bloom.  Compact, upright growth.  Mid season.  1940- Lafayette, Louisiana



Deep rose pink, sport of Kickoff, peony form.  Vigorous, upright, open growth.  1965- Altadena, California



​Apricot pink, large semi-double with curled and crepe outer petals and occasional clusters of petaloids.  Vigorous, open, upright growth.  Mid season.  1965- Mobile, Alabama


Junior Miss

Blush to pink on edge, medium semi-double.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Mid Season.  1971- Mobile, Alabama


Prince Eugene Napoleon 

Vivid cherry red, larger than average flowers.  Medium, compact upright growth.  Mid season.  1859- Melle, Belgium


Formosa- Red

Rich red flower, blooms early to mid season on tall, upright plants.  Sun tolerant and very hardy.  

1 & 3 gallon

Early Autumn

Lavender-rose with center petals edged in deep lavender,
formal double bloom.  Upright, average growth.  Early to mid-season bloomer.



Kurume, dwarf, white flower.

3 gallon

Camellia Japonica & Spring Blooming Hybrids


White, medium to large semi-double.  1898- Japan

1 & 3  gallon

Mr. B

Bright pink, semi-double.  Early season. 

3 & 7  gallon


Red, with purple shades, medium semi-double, fluted petals.  Mid season.  1951- Gulfport, Mississippi


LA Peppermint

​White striped carmine to pale pink striped carmine, medium rose form double.  Bushy, upright growth.  Early to mid season.  1934



Medium sized firery orange-red flowers cover this vigorous, upright evergreen shrub with lush green foliage.  

1 & 3 gallon


Deep red, medium semi-peony form.  1962- Semmes, Alabama 

1  gallon

Jarvis Red

​Turkey red, small to medium semi-double with tufted center of smaller petals.  Vigorous, wide spreading growth.  Mid season.  1911- from Japan, original plant at Jarvis Nursery in Semmes, Alabama


Winters Star

Violet pink, large single.  Average, compact upright growth.  Cold hardy.  1988- Ashton, Maryland

1 & 3 gallon

Taylor's Perfection

Light pink, very large semi-double.  Average, open, upright growth.  Mid to late season.  1975- Alton, New Zealand


Professor Charles Sargent

Dark red, medium, full peony form.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Mid Season.  1908- Germany


April Blush

​Shell pink, medium to large semi-double. Relatively slow growth, mid season.  Cold hardy.  1995- North Carolina


Lady Vansittart

​White striped rose pink, medium, semi-double with broad wavy-edged petals.  Slow, bushy growth with holly like foliage.  Mid to late season.  1887- Japan


Apple Blossom

White, blushed pink.  Single form.  1933- Pasadena, California

3 & 7  gallon

April Remembered

​Magenta red, large, semi-double.  Vigorous growth.  Early to late season.  Cold hardy.  1993- North Carolina

White Empress

White with fluted petals, large semi-double. Early to mid season.  1943- Mobile, Alabama


Pink Perfection

Shell pink, small formal double.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Early to late season.  1875- Japan



​Carmine flower with deeper center, strong upright growth.  1825- England


R. L. Wheeler

Rose pink, very large, semi-double to anemone form with heavy outer petals and solid circle of stamens in center.  Early to mid season.  1949- Macon, Georgia


Conversation Piece

Dark pink to nearly white with darker pink center blotches.  Repeat bloomer, blooms mid spring and fall.  

1 & 3 gallon


Rose pink, small to medium semi-double form.  1954- Japan

1, 3, 7 & 15  gallon

Native Azalea- Pat Ryan

Light orange flowers flushed with pink.

3 gallon

Victor Emmanuel

"Blood of China," deep salmon red, medium semi-double to loose peony form.  Vigorous, compact growth.  Late season. 1928- Crichton, Alabama


Kramer's Supreme

​Turkey red, large to very large, full peony form.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Fragrant.  Mid season.  1957- Upland, California 


Gee Homeyer

​Glowing pink, veined dark red.  Medium, formal double.  Vigorous, open, upright growth.  Mid season.  1973- Macon, Georgia


Governor Mouton

​Oriental red, often splotched with white.  Medium, semi-double to loose peony.  Vigorous, upright growth.  Mid season.  1934- Lafayette, Louisiana


Camellia Sinensis (Tea Plants)

Large Leaf Tea

​Small white, single fragrant flowers that bloom August- November.  Medium, upright growth.

1  gallon

Delores Edwards

​Light orchid pink.  Large, semi-double to anemone form to peony form.  Average, upright growth.  Early to mid season.  1989- Valdosta, Georgia


Willard Scott

Pale pink edged deeper pink, medium formal double to full peony form.  Vigorous, open upright growth.  Early to mid season.  1986- Baton Rouge, Louisiana



Pink with faint orchid overtone.  Large, semi-double with pink filaments and yellow anthers and scattered stamens.  Vigorous, spreading upright growth.  Mid to late season.  1965- Savannah, Georgia

Native Azalea- Canary Isle

Large yellow flowers flushed orange on petal tips and tubes.

3 gallon

Ashton's Pride

Pale pink single flower with unusual small narrow leaves and weeping branches.  Cold hardy.  2008- Ashton, Maryland

1 & 3  gallon

Hampton Beauty

Evergreen variety with a compact habit, offers oval, lush green leaves.  Soft pink, funnel shaped flowers in late spring.

3 & 10 gallon

Our Linda

Pink, medium rose form double.  Early season.  1971- Viginia Beach, Virginia

7  gallon

April Tryst

​Currant red petals with red and white variegated petaliods, medium to large anemone form.  Mid season.  1995- Chapel Hill, North Carolona


Midnight Flare

Deep tomato-red flowers with ruffled petals. 

1 gallon


Single, purplish pink inner petals and three white petals.  1991- Niigata, Japan

1  gallon

George L. Tabor

Southern Indica, light orchid variegated white, showy single blooms.  Evergreen shrub.  

1, 3, 7 & 10 gallon

Helen Bower

​Rose red with purple shading.  Large, rose form double to formal double.  Mid to late season.  1964- Mobile, Alabama


Native Azalea- Country Cousin

Deep red buds open to 2' white flowers flushed deep red, golden blotch.

3  gallon


​Rose pink, medium rose form double to peony form.  Vigorous, compact growth.  Mid to late season.  1695- Kanto, Japan


Northlake Beauty

White-pink flower, evergreen shrub.  

1, 3 & 10 gallon

Brandy's Temper

Blood red semi-double.  Upright, open growth.  Cold hardy.

1 & 3  gallon

Nina Avery

White washed, rose pink with white stamens.  Medium, semi-double to loose peony form.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Mid season. 1949- Avery Island, Louisiana

Lady Laura

​Pink, variegated rose, large peony form to formal double.  Average, upright growth.  Mid season.



Very large deep semi-double bright red, usually petaloids among stames.  Upright, average growth.  Early to mid season.  2013- Lucedale, Mississippi


Pride of Mobile

Rich rose pink flower, dark green foliage.

7 & 10 gallon

Emmett Barnes

​White, large semi-double with ruffled and twisted petals and stamens intermixed.  Vigorous, compact growth.  Early season.  1949- Macon, Georgia



Large size white with white filament with rare crimson streaks, single 7-8 petals with about 140 flared stamens with gold anthers.  1912- Kumamoto Prefect Japan


Laura Walker

Bright red, large semi-double to anemone form.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Early to mid season.  1956- Marshallville, Georgia


Maidens Blush

Blush pink, small single, fluted petals, spreading slender stamens.  1909- Sawada, Alabama

1 & 15  gallon

Jeffery Hood

​Deep pink, large to very large semi-double with irregular petals to anemone form with large petals.  Vigorous, open growth.  Early to mid season.  1971- Texarkana, Arkansas


Purple Dawn

Crimson, sometimes purple, large to very large rose form double to formal double.  Vigorous, compact, upright growth.  Mid to late season.  1840's -Europe



Mizell's Camellia Hill Nursery