April Dawn
White with a few deep pink streaks. Formal double, mid to late season. Upright, vigorous growth. 1993- North Carolina.
Sea Foam
White, medium to large formal double. Upright growth. Late season. 1959- Fernandina, Florida
Jean May
Shell pink, medium, rose form double. 1951- Fernandina, Florida
1 gallon
Stephanie Golden
Hot pink, medium semi-double. 1998- Semmes, Alabama
1, 3 & 10 gallon
Koromo Shikibu
'Spider Azalea,' magenta blooms on an evergreen shrub. Blooms late spring/ early summer.
3 & 7 gallon
Greesboro Red
Light red, medium, semi-double. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Late season. 1960- Greensboro, North Carolina
Red Luster
Watermelon red flowers, evergreen shrub with variegated leaves.
3 gallon
Gulf Glory
White, medium to single form. 1948- Mobile, Alabama
3 gallon
Red, large semi-double with coarse textured petals twisted at the end. Average, upright growth. Mid season. 1964- Savannah, Georgia
Judge Solomon
Evergreen, produces a mass of single pink blooms all spring.
1, 3, 7, &10 gallon
William Forest Bray
Dark red with darker veins and purple border. Large, formal double. Vigorous, compact growth. Mid to late season. 1968- Pensacola, Florida
Bart Colbert Variegated
Deep pink variegated white variegation of Bart Colbert. Large semi-double. Average upright growth. Mid season. 1979- Savannah, Georgia
Tick Tock
White striped and flecked cherry red, large, full peony. Vigorous, upright growth. Early to mid season. 1955- Thomasville, Georgia
Native Azalea- Pink Carousel
Scarlet buds open topale pink flowers, strong golden blotch.
3 gallon
Large, single white with pink edges. Cold hardy. Vigorous growth. 1988- North Carolina
1 gallon
Lady Clare
Deep pink, large semi-double. Vigorous, bushy growth. Early to mid season. 1859- Japan
Canary yellow, small to medium formal double. Slow to open, upright growth. Mid Season. 1986- Macon, Georgia
Victory White
Pure white, medium sized, semi-double to peony form. Vigorous, upright growth. 1939- Mobile, Alabama
Native Azalea- Lemonade
Large lemon yellow flowers, deep yellow blotch.
3 gallon
Emily Wilson
Light pink, medium semi-double to loose peony. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Mid season. 1953- Batesburg, South Carolina
Sarah Frost
Crimson varying to deep rose pink, medium formal double. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Mid to late season. 1841- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
aka- Snow on the Mountain, Snow & Dove. White, small semi-double to loose peony. 1898- Japan
1, 3 & 7 gallon
Red Leaf Tea
Small pink, single fragrant flowers that bloom August- November. Medium, upright growth.
1 gallon
High Fragrance
Pale ivory pink with deeper pink shading at the edge. Medium peony form. Vigorous, open growth. Fragrant. Mid season. 1986- Whangarei, New Zealand
Shi Shi Gashira
Pinkish, red rose, small semi-double. Early season. 1894- Ikeda City, Japan
1, 3, 7, 10 & 15 gallon
Blushed white, edged in coral, but an unstable variegation that can throw solid red flowers. Large, semi-double. Vigorous, upright growth. Mid season. 1965- Hammond, Louisiana
Leslie Ann
White edged with redish lavender. Small, semi-double with irregular petals to peony. 1958- Unites States
1, 3, 7 & 15 gallon
Pink Snow
Light pink with lavender trace. Small semi-double. 1951- Beaumont, Texas
1, 3, 7 & 10 gallon
Amelia Rose
Lavender, rose form double blooms.
1 gallon
Formosa- Purple
Rich lavender pink flowers with darker accent blotch are large and showy. Blooms early to mid season on tall, upright plants. Sun tolerant and very hardy.
1, 3 & 7 gallon
Fragrant Pink
Deep pink, miniature peony form. Average, spreading growth. Fragrant. Early to late season. 1970- Greendale, Maryland
Sparkling Burgundy
Ruby rose overlaid with sheen of lavender, small to medium peony with intermingles of stamens and petaloids. 1957- Abita Springs, Louisiana
1 & 15 gallon
Tama Bambino
Rose pink, boardered white, miniature peony with narrow, pointed petals. Early to mid season. 1993- Altadena, California
Rev. Ida
Red to pink, small semi-double. Early season. Dense, low spreading growth.
3 & 7 gallon
Jeans Unsurpassable
Pale pink with flecks of deeper pink, large semi-double to anemone form. Mid to late season. Compact, vigorous growth. 1970- Birmingham, Alabama
Winters Snowman
White, small semi-double to anemone form. Average, upright growth. Cold hardy. 1997- Ashton, Maryland
1, 7 & 15 gallon
Bob Hope
Black red, large semi-double with irregular petals. Slow, compact growth. Mid season. 1979- Altadena, California
Carter's Sunburst
Pale pink with darker pink marks. Large to very large, semi-double peony to formal double. Average, spreading growth. Early to late season. 1959- Montery Park, California
Light pink, medium to full peony. Upright, vigorous growth. Early to mid season. Early 1900's- Charleston, South Carolina
Colonial Dame
White, occasionally blushed pink. Large, semi-double peony form to formal double. Open, slender, upright growth. Mid season. 1948- Thomasville, Georgia
Eleanor Hagood
Pale pink, medium form to double. Vigorous, upright growth. Late season. 1941- Charleston, South Carolina
Gay Time
White washed and shaded orchid pink. Medium, semi-double to formal double. Average, upright growth. Mid season. 1973- Altadena, California
Jury's Yellow
White with cream yellow petaloids, medium anemone form. Average, compact, upright growth. Early to late season. 1976- New Plymouth, New Zealand
Winters Darling
Deep cerise pink with yellow anthers and white filament, miniature anemone form.
1 gallon
Cotton Candy
Clear pink, medium semi-double with ruffled petals. 1955- United States
1, 3 & 15 gallon
Cardinal red molted white, medium sized peony. Very early season. Slow tall growth. 1788- Kanto, Japan
Marie Bracey
Coral rose, large, semi-double to loose peony form with slightly curved and a few upright petals. Average compact, upright growth. Early to mid season. 1953- Valdosta, Georgia
Royal Velvet
Dark velvet red, large semi-double. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Mid season. 1987- Altadena, California
Winters Joy
Bright pink, semi-double bloom. Upright growth with leathery dark green leaves.
3 gallon
Grace Albritton
Light pink deeper at edge to white with pink center and border. Miniature to small formal double. Average, upright growth. Mid season. 1972- Tallahasse, Florida
Small Leaf Tea
Small white, single fragrant flowers that bloom August- November. Medium, upright growth.
1 & 3 gallon
Finlandia Variegated
Variegated variation of Finlandia, white streaked crimson. Medium, semi-double with swirled and fluted petals. Average, compact growth. Early to mid season. 1943- Japan
Red with yellow stamens center. Small single form. 1963- Altadena, California
1, 3, 7 & 15 gallon
Light orchid pink to deeper pink at edge, large to very large loose peony form to anemone. Vigorous, upright growth. Mid season. 1962- LaCanade, California
Jessie Burgess
Rose with silver cast, large semi-double. Average, upright growth. Early season. 1960- Savannah, Georgia
Tri Color Superba
Variable colors from nearly white to solid red but majority white striped red or light pink margined white. Large semi-double. 1943- Mobile, Alabama
Black Magic
Very dark glossy red, medium semi-double to rose form double. Average, spreading, upright growth. Mid to late season. Unusual holly-like foilage. 1992- Altadena, California
Prince of Orange
Deep red, large, loose to full peony to anemone form. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Mid Season. 1950- Gulfport, Mississippi
Beatrix Hoyt
Light rose pink, large semi-double. 1955- Thomasville, Georgia
Egao Shibori
Deep rose, blotched white. Medium to large form. 1974- Kurume, Japan
3 gallon
White with gold anthers and light yellow filaments, large to very large semi-double.
Lady Clare Variegated
Deep pink marbled white, large, semi-double. Vigorous, bushy growth. Early to mid season. 1935
Alba Plena
White, medium formal double. Slow bushy growth. Early Season. 1792- China, came to the USA in 1800
Stephen's Garden
Pink shading to darker pink, small formal double. Vigorous, upright growth. Mid to late season. 1965- Fairhope, Alabama
Edna Campbell Variegated
Deep red spotted and splashed white, semi-double to peony bloom. Red new growth with compact, upright habit. Early to mid season.
Brushfield's Yellow
Antique white guard petals surround double center of lightly ruffled pale primrose yellow petaloids. Medium, anemone form. Vigorous, compact, columnar growth. Mid to late season. 1970- Austrailia
Rebel's Yell
White striped and red, large semi-double to peony form with twisted, curled and crepe petals. Average, upright growth. Mid season. 1961- Macon, Georgia
Snow Flurry
White, anemone form, spreading dense slow to medium growth. Extremely cold hardy (to -12*).
1 gallon
Moonlight Bay
Light orchid pink, very large, semi-double. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Early to late season. 1982- Altadena, California
President Claeys
Orange-red single flower, upright growth.
3, 7 & 10 gallon
Mrs. G. G. Gerbing
Single, pure white flower, early bloomer.
1, 3 & 10 gallon
Rose Dawn
Deep rose pink, medium formal double to rose form double. Vigorous, spreading growth. Mid season. 1944- Sefner, Florida
Paulette Goodard
Dark red, medium semi-double to loose peony form to anemone form. Vigorous, upright growth. Mid to late season. 1944- Charleston, South Carolina
V. E. Howell
Red, large semi-double to full peony form. Vigorous, upright growth. Early to late season. 1997- Lucedale, Mississippi
Dr. Tinsley
Pale pink at base growing to a deeper pink on edge of petals. Medium, semi-double bloom. Compact, upright growth. Mid season. 1940- Lafayette, Louisiana
Deep rose pink, sport of Kickoff, peony form. Vigorous, upright, open growth. 1965- Altadena, California
Apricot pink, large semi-double with curled and crepe outer petals and occasional clusters of petaloids. Vigorous, open, upright growth. Mid season. 1965- Mobile, Alabama
Junior Miss
Blush to pink on edge, medium semi-double. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Mid Season. 1971- Mobile, Alabama
Prince Eugene Napoleon
Vivid cherry red, larger than average flowers. Medium, compact upright growth. Mid season. 1859- Melle, Belgium
Formosa- Red
Rich red flower, blooms early to mid season on tall, upright plants. Sun tolerant and very hardy.
1 & 3 gallon
Early Autumn
Lavender-rose with center petals edged in deep lavender,
formal double bloom. Upright, average growth. Early to mid-season bloomer.
Kurume, dwarf, white flower.
3 gallon
White, medium to large semi-double. 1898- Japan
1 & 3 gallon
Mr. B
Bright pink, semi-double. Early season.
3 & 7 gallon
Red, with purple shades, medium semi-double, fluted petals. Mid season. 1951- Gulfport, Mississippi
LA Peppermint
White striped carmine to pale pink striped carmine, medium rose form double. Bushy, upright growth. Early to mid season. 1934
Medium sized firery orange-red flowers cover this vigorous, upright evergreen shrub with lush green foliage.
1 & 3 gallon
Deep red, medium semi-peony form. 1962- Semmes, Alabama
1 gallon
Jarvis Red
Turkey red, small to medium semi-double with tufted center of smaller petals. Vigorous, wide spreading growth. Mid season. 1911- from Japan, original plant at Jarvis Nursery in Semmes, Alabama
Winters Star
Violet pink, large single. Average, compact upright growth. Cold hardy. 1988- Ashton, Maryland
1 & 3 gallon
Taylor's Perfection
Light pink, very large semi-double. Average, open, upright growth. Mid to late season. 1975- Alton, New Zealand
Professor Charles Sargent
Dark red, medium, full peony form. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Mid Season. 1908- Germany
April Blush
Shell pink, medium to large semi-double. Relatively slow growth, mid season. Cold hardy. 1995- North Carolina
Lady Vansittart
White striped rose pink, medium, semi-double with broad wavy-edged petals. Slow, bushy growth with holly like foliage. Mid to late season. 1887- Japan
Apple Blossom
White, blushed pink. Single form. 1933- Pasadena, California
3 & 7 gallon
April Remembered
Magenta red, large, semi-double. Vigorous growth. Early to late season. Cold hardy. 1993- North Carolina
White Empress
White with fluted petals, large semi-double. Early to mid season. 1943- Mobile, Alabama
Pink Perfection
Shell pink, small formal double. Vigorous, upright growth. Early to late season. 1875- Japan
Carmine flower with deeper center, strong upright growth. 1825- England
R. L. Wheeler
Rose pink, very large, semi-double to anemone form with heavy outer petals and solid circle of stamens in center. Early to mid season. 1949- Macon, Georgia
Conversation Piece
Dark pink to nearly white with darker pink center blotches. Repeat bloomer, blooms mid spring and fall.
1 & 3 gallon
Rose pink, small to medium semi-double form. 1954- Japan
1, 3, 7 & 15 gallon
Native Azalea- Pat Ryan
Light orange flowers flushed with pink.
3 gallon
Victor Emmanuel
"Blood of China," deep salmon red, medium semi-double to loose peony form. Vigorous, compact growth. Late season. 1928- Crichton, Alabama
Kramer's Supreme
Turkey red, large to very large, full peony form. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Fragrant. Mid season. 1957- Upland, California
Gee Homeyer
Glowing pink, veined dark red. Medium, formal double. Vigorous, open, upright growth. Mid season. 1973- Macon, Georgia
Governor Mouton
Oriental red, often splotched with white. Medium, semi-double to loose peony. Vigorous, upright growth. Mid season. 1934- Lafayette, Louisiana
Large Leaf Tea
Small white, single fragrant flowers that bloom August- November. Medium, upright growth.
1 gallon
Delores Edwards
Light orchid pink. Large, semi-double to anemone form to peony form. Average, upright growth. Early to mid season. 1989- Valdosta, Georgia
Willard Scott
Pale pink edged deeper pink, medium formal double to full peony form. Vigorous, open upright growth. Early to mid season. 1986- Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Pink with faint orchid overtone. Large, semi-double with pink filaments and yellow anthers and scattered stamens. Vigorous, spreading upright growth. Mid to late season. 1965- Savannah, Georgia
Native Azalea- Canary Isle
Large yellow flowers flushed orange on petal tips and tubes.
3 gallon
Ashton's Pride
Pale pink single flower with unusual small narrow leaves and weeping branches. Cold hardy. 2008- Ashton, Maryland
1 & 3 gallon
Hampton Beauty
Evergreen variety with a compact habit, offers oval, lush green leaves. Soft pink, funnel shaped flowers in late spring.
3 & 10 gallon
Our Linda
Pink, medium rose form double. Early season. 1971- Viginia Beach, Virginia
7 gallon
April Tryst
Currant red petals with red and white variegated petaliods, medium to large anemone form. Mid season. 1995- Chapel Hill, North Carolona
Midnight Flare
Deep tomato-red flowers with ruffled petals.
1 gallon
Single, purplish pink inner petals and three white petals. 1991- Niigata, Japan
1 gallon
George L. Tabor
Southern Indica, light orchid variegated white, showy single blooms. Evergreen shrub.
1, 3, 7 & 10 gallon
Helen Bower
Rose red with purple shading. Large, rose form double to formal double. Mid to late season. 1964- Mobile, Alabama
Native Azalea- Country Cousin
Deep red buds open to 2' white flowers flushed deep red, golden blotch.
3 gallon
Rose pink, medium rose form double to peony form. Vigorous, compact growth. Mid to late season. 1695- Kanto, Japan
Northlake Beauty
White-pink flower, evergreen shrub.
1, 3 & 10 gallon
Brandy's Temper
Blood red semi-double. Upright, open growth. Cold hardy.
1 & 3 gallon
Nina Avery
White washed, rose pink with white stamens. Medium, semi-double to loose peony form. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Mid season. 1949- Avery Island, Louisiana
Lady Laura
Pink, variegated rose, large peony form to formal double. Average, upright growth. Mid season.
Very large deep semi-double bright red, usually petaloids among stames. Upright, average growth. Early to mid season. 2013- Lucedale, Mississippi
Pride of Mobile
Rich rose pink flower, dark green foliage.
7 & 10 gallon
Emmett Barnes
White, large semi-double with ruffled and twisted petals and stamens intermixed. Vigorous, compact growth. Early season. 1949- Macon, Georgia
Large size white with white filament with rare crimson streaks, single 7-8 petals with about 140 flared stamens with gold anthers. 1912- Kumamoto Prefect Japan
Laura Walker
Bright red, large semi-double to anemone form. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Early to mid season. 1956- Marshallville, Georgia
Maidens Blush
Blush pink, small single, fluted petals, spreading slender stamens. 1909- Sawada, Alabama
1 & 15 gallon
Jeffery Hood
Deep pink, large to very large semi-double with irregular petals to anemone form with large petals. Vigorous, open growth. Early to mid season. 1971- Texarkana, Arkansas
Purple Dawn
Crimson, sometimes purple, large to very large rose form double to formal double. Vigorous, compact, upright growth. Mid to late season. 1840's -Europe